About Transeurosat

The Head Office of Transeurosat, the trading name of Trans-European Satellite Services Ltd., is located at Hastings, England.

The Commercial Office is in Brussels. Systemics Network International manages this office, which maintains relations with customers and suppliers.

Pictured are Transeurosat's management team, joining senior managers from Systemics Network International and Vitrociset. Seated is Pierre Bartholomé, strategy director and one of the fathers of European satellite communications from his work at NATO and ESA.


Transeurosat's Partners

Transeurosat's shareholders are:

Systemics Network International. SNI is a Brussels-based expert telecommunications consultancy and satellite services business. SNI provides the Transeurosat team for customer and partner relations.

Vitrociset Spa., of Rome is a technical operations and maintenance provider, with background in both air traffic and space ground systems. It operated the extensive earth station complex of the European Space Agency at Redu, eastern Belgium, during its most active phase and now serves the earth station needs of major satellite operators. It participates in Europe's Galileo navigation programme.

The Redu satellite communications complex earlier operated by Vitrociset, where it still maintains facilities.

Iceland Telecom is the national telecommunications operator in Iceland. It is a longstanding player in maritime satellite applications and has excellent earth station facilities available for transatlantic communications. It is linked by undersea cable for high traffic requirements and of course provides a full range of digital telecommunications services nationally to high levels of security.

Shareholder disclaimer. Transeurosat functions independent of its shareholders in the conduct of its business. In the absence of explicit arrangements entered into by a shareholder, no responsibility is offered or accepted by any of the shareholder entities.